Fractal Design in Japanese and Gagaku music and its transformation to new musical form.

Stratis Minakakis of the NEC faculty explicitly nods to tomorrow’s program with analytical remarks on the three Xenakis works to be performed on that concert: Psappha, Dikhthas, and Anaktoria.

Athanassios Economou, an architecture professor from Georgia Institute of Technologyówhere, incidentally, the music department falls under the school of architectureóspeaks on "Spatial Sieves."

Composer Trevor Ba?a speaks on "Rhythms of h-rotation: discrete time transforms after the Xenakis sieves." Music by Ba?a will also be performed tomorrow.

NEC music theory chair Katarina Miljkovic, whose GO for sho and ensemble is performed tomorrow, speaks on "Fractal Design in Japanese and Gagaku music and its transformation to new musical form."

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